Tuesday, July 01, 2008

fine dining

I've always been interested in cooking. From a young age i loved sitting in my mother's kitchen, watching her cook and learning from her. One of my earliest memories is of making the base for the gravy for the sunday roast (3 teaspoons of bisto powder to 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce mixed together with a little water to form a paste).
Recently it's progressed into a proper hobby with me seeking out new recipes and inspirations. Our recent trip to the Amalphi coast in Italy has inspired me to focus on italian cookery: Perfect for the warm summer days we now find ourselves in. My confidence in the kitchen has also grown. Mostly due to my parents having just visited us and me cooking for them.
With this I've decided It's time that we invite some friend over for dinner. A proper dinner party!, Well almost, our dining table is a bit on the small side for 6 people so i will do things buffet style. but should be lots of fun! (photo by Mark Howells-Mead)


Mark Howells-Mead said...
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Mark Howells-Mead said...

I am the proof that your cooking is fab! x