Searching for something warming I ordered a Chai Latte, a wonderful blend of Indian spices and warm milk. Back at home and with my teeth chattering I set to work making it for myself and it turned out pretty yummy. The good thing about making it at home is that it fills the air with warm scents plus you don't have to go out in the cold to pick one up.
4 cinnamon sticks, broken up.
1 1/2 tsps ground ginger
6 cardamom pods (roughly crushed)
6 cloves
1 bay leaf
1 litre water
1 tablespoon of sugar (this can be left till the end when a sweetener of your choice can be added instead)
(a teaspoon of black tea can be added but decided to leave it out)
1 vanilla pod or 2 drops of vanilla essence
You'll also need a saucepan, a fine strainer and a clean glass jar or bottle with lid.
Boil the water in a pan.
Add the cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves and bay leaf.
Add the sugar.
Simmer mixture for 20 minutes. It should reduce by half. If it reduces to less than that top up with water to half a litre. After 20 minutes add the tea leaves if preferred and simmer for a further 10 minutes. After that time it should have a "soupy" consistency. Strain the contents of the pan into the clean jar or bottle. Add vanilla pod or vanilla essence and put on the lid firmly. this mixture will last for a week.
To make the chai latte, Fill about 1/3 with the chai syrup then top up with hot milk. For a naughty treat why not add a teaspoon of chocolate powder? I did!